Vulcan Pickleball Pro Alex Hamner started playing pickleball in August 2010, when her tennis doubles partner, Jennifer Lucore, and Jennifer's parents introduced her to the game. She grew up playing tennis with her family (among a myriad of other activities, such as field hockey and cheerleading), but now nearly all her hobbies involve pickleball. She and her doubles partner Lucore have earned more medals than any other women in pickleball.

Alex's favorite thing about pickleball is the community. She said, "The pickleball community is like no other I’ve ever seen.  Everyone is so welcome, friendly, and fun.  And the FUN is what makes pickleball so special."

She's especially glad to now be part of "the close-knit, loving, and supportive family that is Team Vulcan." Alex is thankful to be part of a supportive company that makes "awesome" paddles and products.

Born and raised in Southern California, Alex now resides near the beach in North San Diego County with her husband (and two sons when they come to visit). She works full time as a CPA when she isn't on the pickleball courts or lounging at the beach.

If you are looking for more Alex Hamner, check out Alex and Jennifer's column “Around the Post” in Pickleball Magazine, and some of the videos that they’ve done. (The “3 Myths About Being in the Kitchen” is her personal favorite!)

Notable tournament results

8 Nationals Open titles
5 Tournament of Champions titles in Doubles, Mixed, and Singles

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  • Alex Hamner is an inspiration

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