Team Vulcan Pro Tyler Loong has been hard at work in the last year creating pickleball opportunities for new, younger players. The first organization began locally in his area in Utah, called the Junior Pickleball Organization (JPO). The JPO offers events, clinics, tournaments, and other activities for players ages 8-18. It was launched last September, and events have spiked to including 70-100 youth players.

This year, Tyler has been working with the Pro Pickleball Association to create the Junior PPA events, which take place at each stop on the 2021 PPA Tour. These Junior PPA events offer competition for younger players on a national level. There have only been a few stops so far, but all of the parents and kids involved are excited to have more opportunities for the kids' age group.

If you want to know more about these organizations (or how to get involved!), check their websites. Keep up with the latest Vulcan Pickleball news by subscribing to the Insiders email list or following the brand on social media (Facebook / Instagram).

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